create the relationship you needed as a child.
Parenting Through Attachment is an 8-week experience designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to feel deeply confident that you are supporting your child’s attachment needs.
Enrollment is currently closed. Please get on the waitlist for updates about the next opening!
So you didn’t have the best example of what it means to nurture a secure attachment growing up.
If you grew up in the 80’s and 90’s, it isn’t a surprise that you may have had caregivers who focused on punishment, correction, isolation, and disconnection as a way to get you to behave more conveniently for the adults around you. This is what societal and generational messaging told your parents to do. Time-outs. Grounding. Spanking. Threats.
Because of this experience, you learned to people-please, stuff your emotions down, and maybe even try to be invisible as a way to get through your day with the least amount of conflict possible. You weren’t able to be your true self and express your needs, but it created the least amount of conflict and disappointment.
Now, fast forward to 2024: You know you want to do things differently.
You want your child to feel connected, understood, loved, and free to be who they authentically are.
YOU want feel connected, understanding, and nurturing, while also feeling confident and authentic in your parenting.

But it’s not always that easy.
Wanting something, and even having the best intentions to do something, is different than actually doing it.
When you’re feeling well, rested, and supported, parenting may feel smooth and even easy in certain moments.
But, it’s those moments where you feel overwhelmed, lost, short-fused, out of control, and find yourself sounding a little too close to how your parents sounded growing up…that’s where you’re looking to make a change.
You want to apply the info and tools that you see online, but it feels like something is missing.
Let’s be real here: The information on social media can be straight up confusing.
Everything is overly simplified, reduced down to black and white, and lacks nuance.
The reason you feel like something is missing, is because something IS missing.
To be honest, there isn’t a set , 1-2-3 formula on how to achieve attachment security in your little one. That’s because attachment is not about checking certain items off of a list and then boom! You’ve completed the task and can move on.
Attachment is a whole relationship.
Attachment literally means survival for your child. It requires a deep confidence and trust.
Not only that, attachment is the foundation that supports your child’s development, from now, throughout the rest of their life.
It is much more than a parenting hack, a quick tip, or any specific method of parenting.
It is a way of being with your child.
Other parenting courses focus on behavioral tools, scripts, and generalized parenting advice. They don’t take into account your child’s unique temperament, or your past experiences and how they influence your parenting.
When you’re honest with yourself, you know you want more than just surface-level parenting tips. You know that you want a solid foundation of understanding so that you can do what works for your unique child. With this foundation, you can then build upon it as your child continues to grow and develop.
We’re not just talking tips for challenging toddler behaviors that they will eventually outgrow, but an understanding of their core needs as humans that will stay with them through their adolescence, teen years, and beyond. Not only that, but a deeper, more compassionate understanding of yourself as a caregiver and how your attachment history and relationship with your own emotions play a vital role in your child’s attachment security.
If you’ve found yourself thinking, “There has got to be a better way,” you’re right, there is! You deserve to have that rock-solid foundation of knowledge while prioritizing what is most important to your child’s well-being and future success: their attachment relationship with you!
Drumroll please...
Drumroll please...
Parenting Through Attachment
An 8-week, self-paced course for parents of children ages 0-6 who want to learn how to navigate parenting while prioritizing the attachment relationship.
This realistic, relaxed, but research-based parenting course will help you build a foundation of understanding to help you move through your parenting journey with confidence that you are meeting your child’s attachment needs.
+the live coaching call option is BACK!

What other parents have said about the course...
Check out what’s inside:
Weekly video modules to give you that deeper level of understanding that you crave
This is where we build that strong foundation that will give you that forever-confidence when it comes to supporting your child’s attachment. Over a decade’s worth of knowledge and experience condensed to give you an arsenal of understanding to use when that self-doubt creeps in, or your child throws you a curveball in their next stage of development.
This module is essentially your Attachment 101 course. This covers everything you need to know to get a foundation of understanding that you will build on later in the course. We will review what attachment really entails, stages of development, classifications, and assessment, separation anxiety, and more sprinkled in of course!
The Basics
The Caregiver (Part 1)
In this module, we will dive into one vital piece of the attachment relationship: you! In this first part, we will discuss how your own attachment history plays a role in your parenting, sources of triggers, unmet needs, your own dysregulation, and more!
The Caregiver (Part 2)
In this module we will build off of the previous week and discuss how you can learn how to care for yourself as a caregiver, recognize your triggers, meet your unmet needs, and practice self-regulation in order to connect more deeply with your child.
The Child (Part 1)
The Child (Part 2)
In this module, we will dive into your child and the little complex, wonderful human that they are. We will discuss your child’s brain, development, temperament, and further build on the stages of attachment development from Module 1 .
In this module, we will continue exploring your child and discuss their underlying needs as they relate to the attachment relationship, their behavior as a form of a communication, sensory needs, and future developmental considerations.
The Relationship (Part 1)
Ah , at last! The attachment relationship! Everything we have discussed now comes together as you and your child come together. We will dive into everything you need to know when it comes to supporting security, including attunement, meeting needs, reading cues, and more!
The Relationship (Part 2)
The Day-to-Day
Continuing our dive into the attachment relationship, we will explore how your history plays a role in current interactions, what insecurity in the attachment relationship really looks like, possible risks, and the important role of repair (+how to do it!).
In the final module, I will walk you through common parenting challenges (think tantrums, transitions, sibling troubles, etc) and how to apply what you have learned to navigate each of the while keeping connection a priority.
The Parenting Through Attachment workbook
This 80+ page workbook is PACKED with value. It not only contains important notes and reminders of the information you learn from your video modules (visual learners, I got you!), it has reflective activities that help you further expand on your learning. This is also a great tool to revisit when you want a refresh, or when you want to get on the same page with your partner.
Audio files to listen on-the-go!
If you’re here, you’re likely a parent, and let’s be real… parents are busy. All of the video files will be converted into mp3 audio files for you to listen to on-the-go without eating up your data. You can listen to the weekly lessons like a podcast while you contact nap, drive to appointments, or fold laundry!
Who doesn't love a bonus...or 2...or more?
Who doesn't love a bonus...or 2...or more?
there’s more!
But wait…
Expert discussions on topics specially requested by you!
I’m not an expert in everything, so I got together with professionals who specialize in areas that cover the most frequently asked questions by parents like you! We dive into these topics and keep the parent-child attachment relationship at the forefront of these discussions. These are recorded for you to access when convenient for you!
Temperament, highly sensitive children, and attachment
Dr. Aoife Durcan is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist with over 10 years experience in the field of psychology. Aoife is a graduate of the Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at the school of psychology, Trinity College Dublin. Aoife has worked in a variety of services including Psychiatric hospitals, Universities, Private and Public hospitals, Child and adolescent services, Prisons, Educational settings and Primary Care Centres.
All things breastfeeding (with singles and multiples), twin mom life, and more!
Shelly Patularu is a twin mom +1, Registered Nurse (RN), International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and founder/creator of Twin Mom Guide (www.twinmomguide.com) and Twin Mom Guide to Breastfeeding Twins (www.twinmomguide.com/twinbreastfeedingcourse).
Divorce and co-parenting through a child-centered perspective
Jan Yuhas and Jillian Yuhas, MA, MFT, CPC are Family Mediators and Co-Parenting Coaches. They specialize in coercive control and high-conflict dynamics by guiding co-parents to overcome the challenges of divorce through creative solutions that are children-centered. Their expertise is a blend of family psychology, conflict resolution, negotiation strategy, healthy boundaries, and real-life experience to guide and serve all family members. You can learn more about Jan and Jillian through their mediation services and coaching programs at divorcefamilymediations.com
Weaning and attachment
Candace St John is a public health professional, Certified Lactation Counselor (#340444), pediatric sleep specialist, & mom of one. She worked as an epidemiologist in community health for 5+ years studying the affects of equity, social determinants of health, & adverse childhood experiences + trauma on lifetime health & helped design community health initiatives to address these issues. Upon having a baby, she was shocked by the unsubstantiated evidence behind most mainstream parenting ideals. This is when she took to social media to bust myths & support parents to make the best informed choices for their children to thrive.
NICU experiences, maternal mental health, and infant mental health
Dr Frankie Harrison is a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in supporting parents who have had Neonatal experiences. Using her lived experience as well as professional psychological knowledge, Frankie aims to spread awareness of NICU. Frankie runs Miracle Moon an online place of support, she provides online therapy for individuals and couples, group therapy, as well as workshops and courses for parents who have been through neonatal care and the professionals who support them. She also runs an instagram page @miraclemoonuk with free resources and information, as well as a podcast which can be found on all streaming platforms.
The Parent Preference Guide
Parent preference can be so difficult to navigate and can be exhausting for both parties, whether you are the preferred parent or not. This guide will help you understand why parent preference may happen and give you structured tips on how to navigate it with your partner, including how to gently integrate your partner into care routines with your child.
You’re clearly here because you value parenting in a way that honors your child’s attachment needs. The problem is, not everyone else understands what this means, or the benefits to it.
The old school belief that responsive care creates “coddled,” needy, dependent children and future adults is unfortunately still quite prevalent. This guide was created to help you with those in your child’s attachment hierarchy who still struggle with these old-school beliefs.
This guide will explain the benefits of parenting in a way that aligns with attachment and brain development, and it will be quick, to-the-point, and based on research.
The Responsive Care Guide
Want the opportunity to ask questions and get guidance from Michelle while you learn about attachment?
Live group coaching calls are back with limited spots open!
Take your learning a step further and get access to TWO live group coaching calls (no added cost!).
These coaching calls are a truly a special experience. You not only get live, direct support from Michelle, but the added benefit of support from other like-minded parents going through the same learning process!
Live coaching calls with Michelle
Since the course is pre-recorded and you have long-term access, you aren’t on any strict timeline to complete your lessons. But, if you would like a peek at some of the upload scheduling details, here they are!
*Pre-recorded videos are uploaded to your dashboard Mondays 10am MST.

So what’s next?
Realize this offer is too good to pass up.
No, really. You don’t want to miss this offer! Enrollment only opens about once a year.
Click, “I’m in!”
It’s really that easy.
Choose your payment method.
Save your seat.
Get ready to start your journey to confidence 9/16/2024!
You probably know me from my corner of the internet where I share insight about birth to five mental health and my own parenting journey while keeping it relaxed, relatable, and realistic.
Seriously, there are enough uptight scripts and “shoulds” we didn’t ask for from family members “you should just ignore them, you should just set them down,” blah blah blah. I’m not here to tell you that there is one way to do this parenting thing. I’m here to help you find
your way.
As a parent, I know it’s not helpful to try to fit myself and my child into a box. I know that my child is different from my friend’s child, and one tool that may be life-changing for them, may not work for us. What has helped me is having my background of knowledge to build off of and make my own. Think of the knowledge in this course as that strong foundation upon which you build your home. How you design your home is where you add your style, your culture, and all of the little things that make your family unique. I use what is in this course myself, every day, and in my own special way. I’m here to help you ditch the cookie-cutter BS and learn how to add your own style so you feel authentic and connected.
Maybe you’re on the fence…
I value being real over saying anything just to make a sale. Business experts around the globe would probably advise against me saying this, but here’s what I want you to know:
You don’t HAVE to take a course on attachment to nurture a secure attachment in your child. In fact, you may already be doing just fine on your own.
However, if you didn’t have the best example of what it means to support security growing up, or, you are wanting to learn more to feel more confident on your parenting journey, then I got you!
You may be thinking:
This is a big investment, will I get more out of it than I already get from Instagram for free?
This requires a lot of my time, will I be able to keep up?
What if what is taught doesn’t work for my child?
Parenting Through Attachment was created by me, a busy parent, with you, another busy parent in mind. I want it to be easy for you to access the information and I want it to be worth your time. Because your time is valuable.
The value of my courses are my top priority. I don’t just create my courses, stick them up on my website, and forget about them. Once you invest in any of my courses, you get forever access which includes any updates and improvements I make in the future. If I get important feedback, come across some new, helpful information, or come up with another amazing idea that I want to share, I will add it to the course! You will simply find the updated material in your dashboard, ready for you whenever you’re ready!
Because courses are a time commitment, I have made sure to give you flexible options to make access easier for you. You will get mp3 files to listen to the course like a podcast while you contact nap or nurse your little one to sleep, and, there isn’t a set timeline on when you need to make your way through each lesson. You can watch them week-by-week as they get uploaded, or, you can wait to open your first module weeks, months, or years later. The choice is yours!
I never teach anything that is cookie-cutter, so if you’re only looking for a quick set tips and some behavioral modification strategies, this course isn’t for you. The benefit of my approach is: I can guarantee that what you learn will work for your family. How can I possibly do this? Because I teach you the information that will help you build a strong foundation, and then guide you on how to implement this knowledge in way that not only works for you, but feels authentic to you.
“I was nervous it would be too time consuming and not really worth it to buy. The more I saw Michelle talk about the structure of it, that it would be self-paced, I realized I could do it. Also the fact that we will have access to all future updates sold me because I like to re-read and re-watch things to remember and refresh. Michelle puts out VERY valuable and interesting information at a fair price point. She doesn’t just regurgitate or repeat information, it’s genuinely valuable and not something that I could find on my own.” -Jessica

Here’s everything you’ll get:
-8 weeks worth of in-depth video modules
*1-2 hours each week
-An 80+ page course workbook
-2 live group coaching calls w/Michelle
-Audio files for convenient learning on-the-go
-5 deep-dive expert interviews
-The Parent Preference Guide
-The Responsive Care Guide
for $297
*Or 2 payments of $150
Special enrollment is open now for a limited time. Make sure to get your spot before it closes!
The face behind Babies and Brains…
I’m Michelle! I created Babies and Brains because it is my mission to take my experience and knowledge in birth to five mental health and share it with families around the globe.
There are enough confusing myths floating around online, among family members, friends, etc, that only add more anxiety to parenting. I am here to give parents confidence that they can access within through a relaxed and relatable approach.
I don’t see myself as the expert. The only expert on your child is you. I’m not here to teach you THE way. I’m here to help you find your way.
Here’s how to know you’re ready:
You want to dive in, peel back some layers, and really understand your child’s unique attachment to you
You want to learn more about yourself as a key component in the attachment relationship
You want a foundation of understanding that will grow with you and your child as they develop
You want to gain tools that work through a relational lens and ditch the outdated methods that ask you to disconnect
I’m going to be upfront: If you want a quick behavioral approach that promises to get your child to listen in 3 easy steps, or you just want to focus on your child and not explore your own layers as a caregiver, then this course isn’t for you.
But if you want to do the work that it takes to explore yourself, your attachment history and relationship with your own emotions, understand your child as the unique individual they are, and keep connection as the main priority in your approach to parenting, then Parenting Through Attachment is the perfect fit for you!

This course was created with caregivers of children ages 0-6 in mind, and would also be great for caregivers to go through before they have children.
Since this course provides you with a solid foundation of information, much of what is learned can be applied to older children with some modification.
When you purchase the course, you will create a log-in with your email and password. This is what you will use to log in to your Podia dashboard (the platform that the course is hosted on). This is where you will find your guides, handbook, videos, and any other materials included. The first section of materials will post on Monday, 9/16 at 10am MST. From there, course materials will be uploaded weekly every Monday at 10am MST.
For as long as this course exists, you will have access to it. Even if the course is updated in the future, you will have access to the future versions of the course.
The recorded course modules will be released weekly and are around 1-2 hours long (give or take).
Since all of the material is pre-recorded and there isn’t an expiration date on the material, you can technically view them whenever you please. So, missing a week isn’t a problem!
You can watch the videos as they get released week-by-week, or, you can wait to open your first lesson months later. The choice is yours!
If you invested in the live call option and really want to participate live, that will be your only time commitment. But, even if you miss those, they will also be recorded and uploaded!
Yes, any video content will have captions. There will also be visuals available through slides, as well as the workbook that is included.
This course was written with caregivers/parents in mind, so the language is geared towards that population. However, since the information provided in the course is based on research and builds a strong foundation of understanding, it could also be used to enhance your learning as a professional who supports parents and children, with the caveat that it was not written for this purpose. Please keep in mind that this course will not provide any CEUs or professional certificates.
Due to the format of this course, there are no refunds. Please reach out to Michelle at michelle@babiesandbrains.com if you have any questions or concerns.
This course is psychoeducational and meant for personal self-help purposes only. This course is not intended to replace therapy or any other individualized and professional mental health service. If you are seeking therapy services, it is your responsibility to contact your care team, referral team, and/or community resources to connect to these services.
You’re so close…
Picture this: An unshakable, confident version of yourself who has a deep knowing within that you are doing exactly what it takes to support your child’s attachment security.
Imagine being able to brush off the negative feelings and doubt when:
-You have a bad day parenting and respond in a way you didn’t want to
-Someone makes a comment about the way you are choosing to parent
-You see a conflicting myth about attachment on social media
None of these things can take your confidence because you know you can repair and re-connect. You feel so self-assured that you are meeting your child’s attachment needs and setting them up for a fulfilled future.
Now, what if you didn’t have to just picture it and it was the reality you were living?
The good news is, it can be. All you have to do is decide that you’re ready.
By enrolling in this course, you are acknowledging your understanding that this product is not meant to be a replacement for therapy or any other professional and individualized mental health service.